Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dawson starts Kindergarten

This was a special day for our family.  A day that was once so far away and uncertain.  When Dawson was diagnosed with his brain tumor I was convinced it would come back.  So I lived from MRI to MRI.  First in three month increments.  Then six month.  Now yearly.   I would lie if I said I do not get emotional every time I see him run into kindergarten happy and as normal as can be.  We are forever grateful for our Dawson.    

This is the only picture I got of him smiling.  It is a terrible quality picture but as you see below smiles are hard to come by. 

Forever the entertainer!!!

His fire backpack!!

His crazy grin...

Dawson among his classmates.  Just as any other normal kid.  The greatest feeling in the world.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Wish he and T were in the same class! :(
Can't believe he is a big kid now.