Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pajama Jam Bunco

Of course I wait until about 2 hours before bunco starts to try and find a funny outfit. This particular bunco was a pajama party so who else to call but my sister in law Teresa. I knew she had bought her kids footsie pajamas for Christmas and was just hoping my 16 year old nephews would be big enough for me to squeeze into. My SIL thought the pajamas were 14-16 boys. I thought for sure they would work. Well when my hubby actually brought them home they were only a 10-12 boys!!!
There was no way I was squeezing my big booty into those pjs. Well that was until David and I teamed up to get them on. One inch at a time we zipped and pulled and squashed every inch in those pajamas!!! It took about a half and hour to complete and when we were done it was VERY TIGHT!!! I could not sit. It was hilarious and got the reaction I was looking for but man was it tight!!!!

1 comment:

Karly Michelsen said...

Omg that looks hilarious!