We went and had lunch and played at McDonalds!!!
We painted fingernails and toenails!!
This is my cute man playing, in where else the basketball area!
We did fancy hair do's. Brielle and Lyla had matching hair which they keep saying "twins!" Lyla slept great and was such a good girl. Though having two 2 year olds that both want your attention is rough, I feel sorry for you parents of twins out there :)!!!!
Lyla is so funny she, like Dawson does not like to get sticky!!! In this picture she is eating a Krispy Kreme donut with no hands!! Like bobbing for apples! It is hilarious the problem is as soon as she sees you trying to take a picture she picks it up like she knows she is being silly!
The picture below with the ding dong she caught me taking the picture, she was to fast for me!
She tells me all the time that she wants to go to "Kistins house"
lol I love all those kids sooo much and miss them TERRIBLY!! dont forget to keep reminding them about the "aunt in california" k? oy vei. its hard being so far away.
What a good AUNTIE! Sounds fun.
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